Dengan Menyebut Nama ALLAH

Dengan Menyebut Nama ALLAH

I have been asked about the lyrics on the B&W slide show. The song is from an Indonesia album titled Album Islamiah I got as an mp3 in Padang. I have tried to fined the group, Gigi on iTunes or other retails outlets on the net with no luck. I looked for a translation somewhere as well with out luck. So I had a friend who speaks Bahasa Indonesia translate them for me. Here you go. I wish I could point you to where to buy the CD but I haven’t a clue. If you know these guys have them drop me a line.

Dengan Menyebut Nama ALLAH

preformed Gigi
by Dwiki Dharmawan

Dengan menyebut nama allah
When you say God’s name
Jalani hidupmu
You cause your life to move forward
Yakinkan niatmu

You confirm your intentions
Jangan pernah ragu
You’ll never be uncertain

Dengan menyebut nama allah
When you say God’s name
Bulatkan tekadmu
You’ll have courage to follow your calling
Menempuh nasibmu
You can successfully face whatever fate awaits you
Kemanapun menuju
Wherever you go

Serahkanlah hidup dan matimu
Surrender your life and death
Serahkanlah pada allah semata
Surrender to God alone
Serahkanlah duka gembiramu
Surrender your grief and joy
Agar damai
So that peace

Senantiasa hidupmu
Will always characterize your life

About The Author

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