Depth of Field: Brian Storm

Brian Storm is one of the movers and shakers in both the fields of photojournalism and multimedia production. With my interest in combining still images with audio and video, it was a no-brainer that I had to interview this man. MediaStorm is Brian’s web-based, award-winning multimedia production house and agency that works with the world’s best visual storytellers to create cinematic narratives that speak to the heart of the human condition. MediaStorm has lifted the bar in this genre, in both what can be done and in how it is to be done. Brian and I talk about his vision for MediaStorm and how he made it happen. He also spoke quite candidly about the current state of multimedia and its future. Brian is not one to pull punches; he says it like he sees it. I know you will enjoy this interview with MediaStorm’s founder and photojournalist, Brian Storm.
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You can find the complete list of Depth of Field podcasts HERE or you can subscribe to them on iTunes HERE.
Outstanding! My philosophy has always been if you are exceptional at what you do, regardless of what it is, money will be there. Brian Storm GETS IT that’s energizing to me.
Thanks Matt, Great interview!
Another great interview. Your knowledge, experience, genuine curiosity, and sincerity make your interviews among the best anywhere. Brian has one of the premiere sites for photojournalism and I am never disappointed in the stories presented there. This interview was inspiring and reinforced the notion that this is the golden age of journalism and people just need to do the work and take advantage of it.
Thanks Matt.
Thanks Joe. Kind words. I agree we are in great times, even looking at photography as a whole.
Your podcasts are truly inspirational. Every time I listen to the newest episode, I think, “That was the most important thing I’ve ever learned about photography.” Thank you for doing these interviews.
Thank you Sean – It is nice to hear form experts like Brian that have a real platform from with to speak from. It is encouraging to hear your affirmation. We have more to come.
A little different than some of your other podcasts, but a powerful piece. I appreciate the reminder that the only one holding us back from making great work is ourselves.
Interesting. How was it “A little different” from the other DoF. I would love for you to expound on that.
A few things… he was coming from a different place than the photographers you’ve interviewed. Because of his personality (and I suppose the fact that he’s not looking to get hired by an NGO), his honesty was totally bold, with no buffers. And though he spoke about the industry, I think he was more personally instructive than many of your other interview subjects. In the end, I found this to be perhaps the most encouraging, and yet potentially discouraging interview. It was good to hear that we have the ability to go as far as our talent will take us… but at the same time, I think Storm is the first person I’ve heard clearly say that some just don’t have the talent and need to get out of the way. Hard words, but necessary to hear.