New Book Being Published
It looks like there will be a book of my images being published. The publishers, Bhari and Sons of New Delhi, said that it would go to press on the 3rd week of April. I think it might be later, say mid May. To call it “my book” might be a stretch. The publisher wanted to do a book on Kashmir and saw my images and wanted to include them. Then once he saw more of my current work, he got excited and asked if I would like the book to be just my images. Like I would say no! He had the text all written and just needed around 150 images to go with the text. The text was a bit rough and did not fit well with my photos. So I got Lindsay, my daughters school teacher to rewrite it. I personally think it is better. Two other friends contributed as well, Mario wrote some poems and a Dallas added two sketches. So lets see what happens.
Well Done, Matt. Looking forward to the book
Congrats, brother! A milestone! I’m shooting Chris Walla from the band Death Cab For Cutie today. This guy’s a god in the indie rock world – why they picked me is a mystery. In fact I passed on it first time around but they called two days ago and said they were convinced I was the guy to do it. So it puts a feather in my hat and gives me a little more change towards gear for my soon-coming 5D. Fun!
Congrats too on the cover shot of TPN.