Let Me Be Direct

Good to be back home with Jessie, our daughter (my wife traveled with me on this trip). I don’t like traveling without either of them.
I have been waiting for the image list for the book. The publisher asked me for a bio for the jacket, so I gave the one posted on the photographer’s page on this site. But with one exception; they will not let me say that a Lowepro is a sponsor of this site. “Indirect advertising.” Yeah! Absolutely! Well, let it be stated here, Suzanne Caballero and the fine folks at Lowepro camera bags are sponsors and they have a great product. There, it is out of the bag and a little less indirect.
By the way, we are going to have a photo workshop next year, 2007. It will be for up and coming travel photographers. It will be hosted by, TheDigitalTrekker.com, pixelatedimage.com and Frontier Treks and Tours. We are inviting and hope Lowepro will contribute and become a sponsor of this event. I am working on others as well. If you are interested in participating let us know.