Grocery Shopping

Just got back from New Delhi. I did a radical thing. I traveled with out my one ton of camera equipment! I was only going for a day, two nights to get my daughter from summer camp, so I wanted to relax with her and do some shopping for my wife. It was nice. I also got to meet with my agent at India Picture and the publisher of the book Anuj Bhari.
When you live in a place like Srinagar you learn to take advantage of trips to Delhi. This trip I bought frozen stakes and shrimp to bring back. I also picked up some red and yellow bell pepper. I know, to most of you that must sound strange. But we have nothing like that here in Kashmir. Last time I bought beef here in Kashmir, well it wasn’t even beef it was water buffalo and after we got it home we saw it had worm eggs or fly eggs all over it. So we tossed it. Ah, life in the village! Srinagar a village of 1.5 million!
A new friend from TPN and The Photo-Circle, Mitchell Kanashkevich made some nice comments about some of my shots here on TDT. I told him I had a nice shot of a girl in a window I would post, so here it is:
A young Kashmiri girl sits and dreams as she watches the world float by. Taken from a boat in the the back waters of Srinagar.
A Bakarwal man begins his namaaz (prayers) outside in the open air.
Hi Matt,
I came across your site on RadiantVista.
I have browsed through your entire gallery and I’m stunned! This is exactly the kind of photography I like doing. You have an eye for portraits. I envy you for living in Kashmir, it’s one of the places on Earth I want to visit the most. One day, when I can afford it, I will definately go there. I am studying with a girl from the northern part of Pakistan, not so far from the Kashmiri region. Have you ever been to Nepal or the Himalayas?
Kjartan Nilsen (Norway/Hungary)
kjartan dot nilsen at gmail dot com
Thanks for dropping by. I get a many of visitors here, but few leave comments. Every comment is an encouragement even if it is a negative one. It just means people noticed. Anyway, I do live in the Himalaya. Srinagar is right in them. I have been to Nepal. Did not care all that much for it. But it is a photographers dream.
Pass the link around!
Absolutely love the image of the Kashmiri girl in the window!