Lumen Dei One Day – A Success
The Lumen Dei One Day is over and it went very well. No, it went great and I gotta tell you, I had a blast. For one thing, I really enjoy hanging with David Duchemin. It is scary how much we think a like. My wife thinks we are our own best fans, a mutual admiration society. David is one of the best instructors I have sat with. He made the class light and informative. It is always fun to teach with him. I manage to stumble through my part. We had 26 participants all with varying degrees of expertise. We had a wide range of photographers, from amateur to advanced, and that presented some unique challenges, but we had a great time. I also want to thank PDI for their help in providing the facilities and pushing the workshop to their employees. The reviews seem to be very positive. Many stated, “It was the best $99 they ever spent.” Now, to figure out how to do this from Malaysia.
Is that a celebratory cigar David’s smoking or is he just pleased to see me?
That is exactly what that is! I would post the other shots, but I am afraid it would get me in trouble.