Inspiration Overload

Inspiration Overload

Alexandra Boulat © Jerome Delay-AP


This is old news but perhaps some new inspiration for you. In fact, I promise, if you click every link below you will have inspiration overload. Alexandra Boulat was an amazing young photographer who passed away back in October 2007. She shot for Time as well as many other top name news agencies. She was the daughter of Life magazine photographer Pierre Boulat. Alexandra Boulat was only 45 years old when she died of a ruptured brain aneurysm. For such a young lady she packed her life to the hilt. She co-founded VII Photo Agency, a sort of 21st century version of Magnum Photo. VII was a virtual “Who’s Who” of members, Ron Haviv, Gary Knight, Antonin Kratochvil, Christopher Morris, James Nachtwey, John Stanmeyer and Lauren Greenfield. Be sure to click each link, as some will take you to their websites and others to articles about them. Sometime ago, Time did a tribute to Boulat. A must see is her multimedia series of images titled Capturing Gaza’s Hell as she speaks about her time in Gaza and about her images.

Over the past few days, I have run across some amazing flash videos. Scott Kelby listed a “must see” on his blog late last week. It is an amazing one done by the MGM Grand hotel and casino in Las Vegas. Check it out HERE. Then click the link to “Enter Maximum Vegas.” This link will grab you visually. Then, yesterday David Duchemin listed this new Adobe card trick HERE. It is visual fantasy reminiscent of Alice in Wonderland. As you pull it along and it seems to be built in segments. It’s hard to explain, just go visit it. Oh, and congratulations to David for his new sponsor, Adobe.

On more bit of personal news. By now you probably know I am moving to Malaysia in June. I just got the “official” word today that my daughter has been accepted to a very fine school in Penang, Malaysia, Dalat International School. It is a school with a rich academic history and we are excited that she is able to attend.

About The Author


  1. Justin

    You’re moving to Malaysia? I definitely have to come visit! And let me know if you ever come through Qatar.

  2. Anonymous

    I have friends that grew up going to Dalat, and I know some dorm-parents there now. It is a great school. Just wanted to wish you the best even though I’m new to your blog.

  3. Matt Brandon

    Thanks for the response. Glad to have you visit and I hope you will keep dropping by.

  4. Matt Brandon


    You are welcome anytime. Not sure if I will ever get to Qatar, but thanks for the offer,. Hope things are working well for you there.


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