June’s Wallpaper and 80 Thanks
[sdm_download id=”17064″ fancy=”0″ button_text=”Click here to download this wallpaper”]
Yesterday was great! I had a wonderful surprise party for my 50th birthday. How my wife pulled it off is beyond me. She and two good friends of ours, Julie Mahler and Patty Lynn Weber all got together and schemed. Somehow they managed to get around 80 of my friends to show up at Schoepf’s Old Time Bar-B-Que in Belton, TX. Heck, they even had a local radio station there to interview me! No kidding. Now, to be honest, I think the station is there every thursday evening broadcasting live, but they did interview me. My mother even sent a DVD of images of me through out my 50 years. That, I could have done without. She did however send me a copy of The Moment it Clicks, by everyones favorite photographer Joe McNally. So all in all it was a great day. Thanks to all who skyped and emailed me with birthday wishes.
Click the button above and a full-sized image will open in a new window. Right click it or ctr click (Mac) it should give you the option to save it and make it a desktop wallpaper. I shot this with David Duchemin while I was showing him around Nizamudeen. It was his first trip to this fantastic market. I had just taken a header into a mud puddle. The whole day was pretty much like that except for this image.
Didn’t you shoot this in JPG? 🙂
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