And the winner is….

…Thai Yuan or as he is known to his friends as T.Y. There were sooo many great shots. It was way too hard for me. I never, never want to judge images again, well at least not alone. I had short listed the winner to around a dozen images and then today I picked this one. Below I will list the others that came in close.
Why this image? The lines converging to the boy are very strong. They come from every angle, including the man looking at the boy. I wanted an image that showed good composition as well as gave a sense of Penang. I think this does it all. Congatulations to TY, he will be getting a copy of Scott Kelby’s new book “Lightroom 2 Book for Digital Photographers” in the mail soon.
Like I said So many great shots, where to begin and how to choose. Here where several runner-ups. Let’s do this again, but this time, I am not judging!
thanks Matt, this is really good news when i received your call this morning. just after i put down the phone,i am not sure how high i jump up….wahahhaha. Appreciate you leading us for the Penang Photowalk and your great works, hope we can do it more often in Penang and around the world.
Wah. CONGRATULATIONS TY!!! Now we looking for another walk…but straight to the nearest Starbucks outlet. whahahahaahha.
congrats. u gonna make our nation proud with your photos.
congratulation TY and happy to see you won this….