Pushing Yourself

Do you push yourself? Do you admit to your weaknesses and say I want to get better in this area? There are two ways to look at things like this. One way is to say, “I am good at portraits (put what you are good at here.) and I am going to capitalize on this one thing and let the other stuff alone.” This is not a bad attitude, really! If your good at something then go for it. Capitalize on it make it your specialty. I have no problem with this. This is what I do. But, sometimes, you want to work on your weaknesses for your own sake. Just because it is good to stretch yourself. Do you do this? I do, and at times it can be really frustrating. But that is ok.
My sister-in-law and her family have been visiting this week from the Philippines. We took the family to the Penang Botanical Gardens. They have a lot of palm trees there as you can imagine. Probably the weakest area in my photography is detail graphic shots. Meaning; shots that are heavy in graphic form rather than subject. Here are a few from my exercise whilst in the garden.