Lumen Dei ’09 – Special guest instructor Ami Vitale.

David DuChemin and I are thrilled to be announcing plans for next year’s Lumen Dei tour. We’re still working out details like budget and itinerary, but we’ll have that up and on the site soon. Here are the broad strokes. September 2009. Ladakh. Special guest instructor Ami Vitale. That last part should make you very, very excited. If you don’t know who Ami Vitale is, David and I strongly encourage you to spend some time looking at her work.
If you are interested in being on the Lumen Dei trip for 2009, please send David an email and he will add you to the list. When the exact details are out and we have the application and information package re-written, we’ll get it out to you. So at this point we’ll put you on the list.
Ami Vitale’s site is HERE.
The Lumen Dei site is HERE.
WOW, 3 super talented photographers on one workshop. Please add me on the list. Now I’ll have to convince my wife for some dough.