Duncan of Twyning

A word of advise – Do not believe the people that say the English are a stodgy group of people. I am here to tell you that is not my experience. This trip was replete with kind, helpful and jolly folk that took their time to inform and chat with me about everything. One day last week our little group took a “ramble” through the countryside and along the river Avon. There we met several fishermen along this lazy river. It seems the river is filled with pike of some considerable size. One gentleman I met was named Duncan, “It is a Scottish name, you know.” Anyone who ever watched the movie “The Highlander” ((The first one, the rest were garbage.)) knows Duncan is a Scottish name. I didn’t have the courage to ask if his last name was “McCloud”. This fine man with a Scottish name proceeded to tell us the history of Twyning. How when the “Black Death” came the whole village came down to “Twyning Green” to escape the dreaded plague. “Did it work?” I asked. “No. They all died.” As we walked off towards the Fleet Pub, I hear a cry from Duncan, my new friend. “I caught one!” I run back to see this great pike. Then Duncan with a big smile and a twinkle in his eye holds up his catch. Not the monster fish I was expecting.
Poppycock and piffle!
Poppycock and piffle!
Matt’s just jealous he doesn’t have a red passport…