Tomorrow’s Guest Blogger; Gavin Gough

This rugged looking bloke to the left is none other than the world famous Gavin Gough. Now if you don’t know who he is, you haven’t been reading very many photo magazines or blogs as of late. Gavin currently calls Bangkok his home, though he is originally from UK. His images are outstanding and his humor..well British. Here is what he writes about himself;
Travelers invariably have exotic tales to tell and I have my share. I’ve been detained by Maoist insurgents in Nepal, faced Saharan bandits armed only with a Swiss Army knife and tussled with a pair of muggers in Rio de Janeiro. But it’s not all been fun. I’ve also had the honour of delivering the King of Tonga his lobster lunch and I’ve seen and heard His Holiness the Dalai Lama speak in Dharamsala.
Photography has taken me to the top of the Empire State Building and to the world’s most southerly city. I’ve photographed secretive Polynesian tattooists, holy Saddhus and Tibetan monks in each of their homelands.
Since I am going to be away this week, I thought it would be a great treat to have Gavin pop on over and give us some of his wisdom and hopefully we can convince him to tell us about being detained by Maoist insurgents in Nepal or some of his other adventures.
So Sit back relax and enjoy tomorrows blog.