Gone – But Not Forgotten

As I am gone all week I have enlisted a few friends to help fill the day’s post as guest authors. Be checking back later this week for post by David Duchemin and Gavin Gough. I am really excited to see what these guys come up with.
The next blog post is by a longtime friend and associate David Bohlen. David doesn’t blog publicly, though I wish he would, some of his private blogs are priceless. David is very important to me and to Lumen Dei. David is Frontier Treks & Tours India. He and his wife Jackie came to India three or four years back and helped me run FT&T. I knew my photography was moving me away from working the tourism industry full-time so I twisted David to take over the office in India. He made order out of chaos and turned my confusing operation into a real business. I can’t imagine running Lumen Dei in India without David Bohlen.
So I have asked David to share a few thought with us here. I am sure we won’t be disappointed.