My 5D MK II is here…

…Well, sort of. I had my friends Dennis and Annette Young from Texas pre-order me one from Garland Camera in the Dallas Metroplex. They got word today that it has arrived. But the reality is I can’t get my grubby little hands on it till after the first week of January, when they come to visit me. O the pain!!
When you had it for a little while and had a chance to review your images please let us know what you think about this camera, especially the resolution and AF system.
Sugar Land, TX
Congrats on your new tool ! I am jealous and can’t wait to go back to the US and pick up one. Now you have to replace your 85 f/1.8 with that 1.2 🙂
Peter – Hopefully that will be coming with the new 5D. 😉
Jeff, I will do a review as soon as I get it. I will be taking it to Angkor Wat within just three days after getting it. So I hope to have something to show from that visit.
WOW, Angkor Wat with a 5D Mark II, I am really totally jealous now 🙂
Just got back from Angkor Wat myself but with only 5D & 50D. Wonderful place, a must visit for any photographer. I will be back soon. Can’t wait to see your images from Angkor with the 5D Mark II. Good luck and have fun with the new top gun….
Seems you’d been a good guy, since Santa granted your wish. Too bad Santa had a tight schedule 😉
Ok, can you feel the jealousy seeping through this keyboard?! Enjoy… can’t wait to hear your thoughts. 🙂