Tintype Cowboy – Robb Kendrick

Robb Kendrick has a new fan in me. The guys stuff is amazing. I am embarrassed to say I had not heard of him till this past issue of National Geographic Magazine came out. He photographed a story on the Tarahumara people of Mexico. More on that in the days to come.
That story of the Tarahumara people was so impressive that I looked up his website and was floored to see that Robb has been working in wet plate technology for the past several years. “Wet plate technology”, that is rather euphemistic for tintype. You know, images shot directly onto tin plates. It is a complicated process that involves some rather potent chemicals like potassium cyanide. Robb has been photographing cowboys in this method and getting images that take the viewer back 150 years. I can’t get over how timeless the images look. Do yourself a huge favor and checkout the links below. Spend the time viewing the videos and the slideshows. It is well worth your time.
A video on the tintype process.
NPR Modern-Day Cowboys Frozen in Time.
I am please to say that I will be interviewing Robb in the days to come in a new series of interviews call “Depth of Field”. So be watching for that interview and others.
In other news: It has been really crazy for me. Monday a 20 container filled with all my worldly goods from India was supposed to arrive. Well, needless to say, it didn’t. Nor on Tuesday. It is now Wednesday and it should arrive by 5pm tonight. Lets see.
This morning my wife nearly got arrested. She was suppose to fly off to London to see some friends but got to the airport and found out that her visa had expired. The school where Jessie goes was suppose to have her guardian visa in the works thus allowing her to travel. But someone, somewhere dropped the proverbial ball. Now we have to pay a lot of fines and a penalty on her air ticket.
So you can see, I have been busy.