David duChemin announces WITHIN THE FRAME.

My very good buddy and co-Lumen Dei misfit has announced last week on his blog his new book, Within the Frame: A Journey in Photographic Vision. How this slipped by my blog, well, I am not sure except I was buried under boxes for most of the week. If you even slightly believe in the things I write about here on this blog, then this book is a must read for you. I have had the privilege to sneak a peak at some of the manuscript and, well, it is amazing. Without a doubt one of the best books on photography to come down the road in a long, long time. Quite frankly, I would put it up against books like Joe McNally’s The Moment it Clicks, it is that good. This is not a how-to book, it is not going to tell you about which button to push or how to frame a picture. It will help you understand and define your vision. This has been David’s soapbox that he has been standing on for as long as I have known him and rightly so. It is an area that is overlooked by just about every other photographic blogger and author out there. If you are a Pixelated Image blog reader then you will know that David’s writing style is easy to read and humorous. This will be a must read for anyone I coach in their photography. Be smart, go to Amazon and pre-order your copy HERE. Don’t be left standing with an empty shopping card when it sells out.
HEY!! I’ve been trying to find you guys!! Any book you recommend is one we’ll look into…and I see there’s one by YOU. Now, there’s a treat.
We miss you. I’d love to be in touch…at least via e-mail…and get a physical mailing address, too!! We hope all is well…we love and miss you guys. Hug your amazing wife for me.
Sarah Colby (from TBC)
You find us! Now lets stay in touch! My email is “images at thedigitaltrekker.com”. Hey congrats on the move to Ft Worth and the new job. Very cool.y the way, the book is/will be amazing.
You find us! Now lets stay in touch! My email is “images at thedigitaltrekker.com”. Hey congrats on the move to Ft Worth and the new job. Very cool.y the way, the book is/will be amazing.
Hey there,
Great post! I work for Peachpit Press and I wanted to let you know that a sample chapter from David DuChemin’s forthcoming book, “Within the Frame: A Journey in Photographic Vision,” is now available to download for free. Enjoy!
Hey there,
Great post! I work for Peachpit Press and I wanted to let you know that a sample chapter from David DuChemin’s forthcoming book, “Within the Frame: A Journey in Photographic Vision,” is now available to download for free. Enjoy!