Lumen Dei ’08 Video posted
With the announcement of Lumen Dei Ladakh 09 fully sold out, and the new Lumen Dei Thailand now taking applicants, I thought it would be nice to show you a peak of what a Lumen Dei trip is all about. This video is actually a Lightroom slide show that David Duchemin put together throughout the workshop. Almost every night we had an image critique session and then some of the images use for that session were put into this slide show for the last day of the workshop. The show highlights the work of each student as well as David and I. David exported the images, I then put them in iMovie and added the same audio track he used for the show. Easy pesy lemon squeezy. By the way, you can view this in a higher resolution on YouTube. Not sure why they will not let us link to the higher res file. Never-the-less, enjoy. This is now high resolution. Enjoy!
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