Lumen Dei '09 – One Spot Left!

Ok, you have been sitting on the fence as to whether to attend this next Lumen Dei. Well, the time to act is right now as we only have one space left open! So hurry, this has been crazy. We only officially started taking applications last week. At the risk of sounding like I should be wearing a plaid sport coat and selling used cars, “Act Now!”
I knew it was going to fill fast, but holy cow!
Look here now Mathew. I got me one uh them 5 megapistol point-n-shoot camrys at da pawn shop last week. It come with uh cord fir the COMputer and stuff. It even takes rechargable double A Batt’ries and it has a little carry case with uh wrist strap.
It’s nicer’n any camry we had before. Would this be fancy ’nuff for one uh them workshops yur talkin’ bout? We sold lots uf eggs this year and I think I can get the rest uh the money by the summer if our cattle calf good this spring.
Best regards in yur picture takin’,
Uncle Jimmy Don Doyle the Third
Right….Ok, Jimmy Don, I would love to have you with us. But the fact is, we are now full up! We signed up the last person this morning MY time. Sorry there partner! By the way, it Matthew with two “t”
Shoot, can’t convince my wife for the trip. Doesn’t look good for next year either with the newborn baby girl. I’ll just have to visit this blog everyday, wait to see the images from the expedition.