Overlooked Jewels

I have been going through my vault of 36,000 images for a new stock agency I have contracted with, and I have come to the stark realization of two things. First, I need an editor. I thought I had culled out all the best images from my Indonesia trip earlier this year. But I keep finding winners. How is that possible? Maybe my vision changed, maybe I just over looked them. Well, no, I didn’t over look them, because several of the images below had a history. So I had played with them at one time. Not sure how they slipped by. The other reason I know I need an editor is I have way to much junk. Real junk, like completely out of focus images and snaps of things I couldn’t tell you even what they were. This proves my point. I need an editor. the second thing I have learned is Lightroom needs a way to find list of images. I sent 800 or so images to this stock agency and they came back with a long shopping list. I know what I sent them, the trouble is going through that list and finding the ones they want. It is looking like it will be one at a time. Where is Matt Kloskowski with a tip when I need him?
Here are a few jewels I found early today. The images were all taken at the same location, an island off the coast of Sumatra called Pulau Bangka. No, I did not shoot them on film, that is just a nice looking boarder.
OK, I’m here and I have a tip. You need an editor!
: )
Matt K
Matt – lol Thanks for dropping by, but I was thinking something a tab more constructive. 😉
What is the border type if you don’t mind sharing.
No problem Mike. It is a border made by Andrea Rascaglia. I downloaded it from HERE. You can see all his borders HERE at deviantart.com.