The Radiant Vista

I am not sure what happened over at The Radiant Vista, but the good thing Craig Tanner, Mark Johnson and Matt Gibson had going over there went up in smoke. The Radiant Vista is no more. But the spirit of it continues on in at least two websites by two of the three. Craig Tanner, one of the founders of TRV has founded a new site called The Mindful Eye. Craig was the philosophical part of TRV, with articles like “The Myth of Talent“. To be quite frank, it was way to wordy for me and I never made it through more than a few paragraphs and some of his esoteric stands on imaging were a bit to zen for me. But you can’t deny Craig’s talent. He is a very good and well rounded photographer. Take a look at his gallery and you can see that.
So Craig has put together what amounts to another TRV. He has a Daily Critique where he takes your image and gives it a once over. I think it was from Craig I first heard “In a perfect world…”, now used by so many critics. He also has tons of videos and some podcast. Craig is definitely sharing the love.
Then, Mark Johnson who was another third of TRV has beefed up his site to some degree as well. Mark continues his Workbench that he started at RV. Like the Daily Critique, Mark uses your image, but rather than critiquing it he plays with it of sorts. He uses submitted images to teach color correction or retouching or he may explore compositing. Like the Photoshop Workbench, he has other video tutorials that are designed to help you learn Photoshop. Unlike the Workbench, these tutorials focus on very specific, high-demand subjects such as basic Photoshop 101, Color Management, and Sharpening. All video tutorials are free of charge.
Both Craig and Mark offer workshops. So check out these guy’s new sites and enjoy.
i like the theme, it is simple but sophisticated looking…