News and more…
A few items of business:
I hope you enjoyed and found helpful the Jobo Photo GPS review I bled over. Just a quick addendum; Gavin Gough did a great piece on Geootagging a while back. If you are interested in this and don’t want to use the Jobo product or already have a GPS unit you should scheck it out HERE.
If you are a FaceBook user and a photographer I m sure by now you know not to post any of your images on their site. Why? They claim once you do they own them. Silly as it is, you give up your rights to the images once you post them. But there is some light breaking on that horizon. Seems there are some new changes afoot. Check out this post by Carolyn Wright, an attorney who works for photographers, HERE for more info on it. Not where it needs to be but a step in the right direction.
My friend Mitchell Kanashkevich is traveling India and posting some of the best images of India I have seen in a long while. He is on a real role and can’t seem to take a bad shot. Did I say he was my friend, I may have to rethink that. I don’t like people who shoot better than me! Anyway, run over to his blog and check out the new post about the tea shop and all his images that go with it.
Hey Matt,
Thanks for the Jobo GPS unit review… (already friendfeed’d it! some friends might be interested). Well for me now it’s more a gadget than a real need, but as you were pointing out, if you have specific work in specific places it could be very helpfull! Anyway, waiting for the updates (and some real need) to puchase this unit…
About FB, I was following the issue very closely, so it’s a while I deleted all my “important” pics, they may already have a copy, but I’m not sure my pics worth it anyway lol!
Thanks for sharing Mitchell Kanashkevich’s blog, it’s true the pictures are fantastic, I like the way he work the colours, so as I like your way of portraiting, Matt! It would be good for me to have a workshop with you, once I’ve put some little coins aside! (and finishing paying the 5D lol!)
Hey Matt,
Thanks for the Jobo GPS unit review… (already friendfeed’d it! some friends might be interested). Well for me now it’s more a gadget than a real need, but as you were pointing out, if you have specific work in specific places it could be very helpfull! Anyway, waiting for the updates (and some real need) to puchase this unit…
About FB, I was following the issue very closely, so it’s a while I deleted all my “important” pics, they may already have a copy, but I’m not sure my pics worth it anyway lol!
Thanks for sharing Mitchell Kanashkevich’s blog, it’s true the pictures are fantastic, I like the way he work the colours, so as I like your way of portraiting, Matt! It would be good for me to have a workshop with you, once I’ve put some little coins aside! (and finishing paying the 5D lol!)