Photo Terrorist
If you recall a few weeks back Gavin ran a post about new laws in England about photographing in public places. Personally, I think this is getting out of hand. But then I am a photographer, so what do I know? I found this Steven Colbert skit to be really apropos. Enjoy!
Hahaha, this is terr… hrmm… ific!
I talked with Edmond Terakopian (http://edmondterakopian.blogspot.com) about that law in UK, it’s getting completely crazy and insane…
And what about all the people taking pictures with their shoot’n go or mobile phones? Yeah, com’on, we’re all terrorists 😀
Hahaha, this is terr… hrmm… ific!
I talked with Edmond Terakopian (http://edmondterakopian.blogspot.com) about that law in UK, it’s getting completely crazy and insane…
And what about all the people taking pictures with their shoot’n go or mobile phones? Yeah, com’on, we’re all terrorists 😀
Once you’ve done that, have a read through his latest post..and watch the video………
I’ll hold back from going off on one but as you say, it is getting completely out of hand over here. Walking around as a law-abiding citizen you know you’ve done nothing wrong, but at the same time, as a photographer as well you almost feel guilty of something every time you pull your camera out.
Hilarious! And kinda scary. I personally have not been hassled yet, but I don’t haunt big cities much.