Friday's Grab Bag

It’s been a light week for blogging. I have been doing the collegiate “cram” as I try to get a ton of work done before my trip to India. We leave on Sunday for work and a bit of pleasure to Srinagar, Kashmir for two weeks. Be back at the end of June.
I have been working on a video for an NGO using some images I shot over the past year few years. They don’t have a budget (hmm, that sounds familiar), so I was working in the new iMovie 09. I had about 5 hours of work done when it crashed, actually my beloved 17in MacBook Pro crashed. When I went to open the application the work was gone. It has auto save, but the file must have gotten corrupted. iMovie 09 has some great features for a no budget production, but not if it is going to cost me 5 hours of production time. My mac has been crashing 3 or 4 times a day. I tried resetting my pram on my computer. PRAM in stands for Parameter random access memory (RAM). PRAM contains a host of very important information, including settings for a computer’s startup disk and startup volume, time zone, and more. So to clean it out on a MAC you hold down Command + Option + P + R + AYER. Ok – I added the AYER thing. But you can never have too much prayer when it comes to glitchy computers. Anyway, for now it seems to be working…for now.
If you have not been following the photography community on Twitter you have been missing some important links and useful information. Here is a quick run down.
@sabrinahenry posted a very sweet blog about Gavin, David and myself. It made me blush. Check it out HERE.
@stevenbush sent me to a wonderful pipe brotherhood (pints included) HERE. If you are a one who partakes of the tobacco in a bowl you might, no you will enjoy this link HERE. It is a very well crafted poem. Reminds me a little of the poet Robert Service.
@lightroomblog put me onto a cool Lightroom plugin that allows you to tweet photos directly from Lightroom. I do most of my Tweeting from my iPhone but there are times I Tweet from my Mac and this might be handy. We’ll see.
Be sure and check out this blog entry by our good friend Mitchell Kanashkevich (Why do the really good guys have hard names to pronounce? Sheeze!) Mitchell wrote an ebook tutorial on his Lightroom processing. Let me tell you this is one of those rare, “here is my secrets” books. You will seem him take a, “I could have taken that” kind of photograph and change it to a, “Man, I never could have taken that photo!” image right before your eyes. It is a must read. Now it is not free but forth the $12 US.
And finally, my friend over at TheTravelPhotographer.net, Tewfic El-Sawy has posted his 2010 workshop schedule. He goes to some great locations. Gavin Gough went on one of these workshops and thoroughly enjoyed himself.
Next week might be even more quite whilst I am away,but keep checking back in. I will post when I get a chance. TTFN