Grab Bag Friday: Twitter Links

From our stock shoot today, Elfin Princess Jessie.
Today is basically a grab bag of great links I have found over Twitter. Remember, if you are not following me on Twitter, please do. I do very little on Facebook these days. Twitter seems to be the answer for networking and keeping current on news in your field.
I am having fun with my wife shooting some stock. No, not for me, but for her. I told her about an email I got from a new Twitter friend, Christine Glade, @Cglade and how she broke into stock and made a few bucks. My wife said in passing, “Ok, I want to do that.” So here we are shooting stock images in my dining room/studio. I either need to get a studio or a bigger dining room!
So here are a few sites you might find interesting:
One of my newest friends over Twitter is @Photojack or Jack Hollingsworth. Jack is a world, travel, lifestyle and stock photographer, and very good at it. One of the things I have come to like about Jack in this short time is he gives back to the community. What is it with so many people/photographers that makes them fear giving out “secrets”. Jack does a great job of posting these secrets and opportunities on his twitter post and his blog.
Related to Jack, he has these little audio “toginars” he puts together for the public. A toginar is Twitter speak for a Photography Seminar over the net. He has gathered a fine cast of photographers that tell their secrets. Now this one is not free. But still check it out. In fact you can listen to a sample of a toginar with Rick Sammons here. Look for it in the right sidebar.
Here is a website that was brought to my attention over twitter. Design4Kids is very cool. It is an opportunity for creative professionals to experience international travel and make a real difference in the fight to end the cycle of poverty. Their workshops help talented teens develop the technical and business skills the need to establish and operated successful design studios within their own communities:
Design4Kids is:
- Voluntoursim for creative professionals.
- Pre-professional training for talented youth in developing countries.
- An opportunity to bridge cultural and generational gaps while learning from each other in a creatively stimulating environment.
You have to check them out.
There there was this fun link to some great examples of light writing. Some people have too much time on thier hands. 😉
The lastly Over twitter I stumbled upon a neat lady named Esther Havens, @EstherHavens. Do your self a favor and checkout her images and blog HERE.
That’s it for now. Hope you have a great weekend. See you on twitter.
Adorable. But oh great – mre competition in the stock world. I don’t mind competition but I could happily do without the creative, talented kind!
Truth is when I told the husband I was going to give microstock a try he replied “Talk to me when you make $200.” He found those words quite tasty I’m sure. LOL.
Best of luck in your microstock journey!