Sit, Watch and Shoot

Today we had a great day. We did what we call a “dry run”. A dry run is where we run part or all of the tour we will be doing to see if there might be any issues with time or logistics. So, today David, Gavin, Ami Vitale and I ran the Nizamuddin section of the workshop. It was a great day and I felt like I found my “pace” so to speak. At least for this day. It was a real pleasure to shoot with Ami. She is a fun and talented photographer and she fit right in with the three of us, which is scary if you know David, Gavin and me. We are are a few cards short of a full deck.
As I said, we went to the Nizamuddin Dargah and spent two hours just sitting, watching and shooting anything that struck us as visually interesting or that spoke to us in some way. I was reminded again how important it is to slow down and not do the “hit and run” approach to street photography. Slow down, wait. The same spot might yield several images. Case in point; The green door of the mosque in Nizamuddin. The door opened up to a red wall and it was visually stunning even by it self. But wait long enough and someone is eventually going to come into frame. It is true, good things come to those that wait.
Gavin made a great point yesterday in his blog on how colorful India is. It really is amazing the splash of colors everywhere. These images go a long way to prove his point.
Tomorrow is officially the first day of the workshop. Everyone is here and we are excited to see what is in store for this next two weeks.
Proof that if we work at it and keep the faith, we’ll sometimes have days where we just nail it. You definitely nailed it today Mr. B.
Thank you Mr. G.
Oh my, will I ever in my life shoot just one photo like that?!!
Yes you did nail it. Great images.
not much else to say
not much else to say
Very sufi, these shots.
Thank you all.
Alamond, join us next year for Lumen Dei and we will see to it you do shoot images like this. 😉
Thank you all.
Alamond, join us next year for Lumen Dei and we will see to it you do shoot images like this. 😉