December’s Wallpaper

f/2.8, 1/80 sec, at 70mm, 500 ISO, on a Canon EOS 5D Mark II
[sdm_download id=”17011″ fancy=”0″ button_text=”Click here to download this wallpaper”]
I don’t have any current snowy images that I can use to make the December Wallpaper for you. No icicles hanging from the eaves or people huddled around a fire. Sorry, I live in the tropics. So, I decided to at least give you a high key desktop image. This is an image of a woman praying at the Nizamuddin Dargah, a Muslim shrine in New Delhi. The image was shot through the marble lattice from the inside of the shrine looking out at the ladies. In a Muslim shrine, ladies are not allowed inside the tomb area, so they congregate around the latticework barrier. They petition and pray to the dead saint to intercede on their behalf for what ever is troubling them and their families. There’s a certain stillness about this image, a quiet pensive moment that might help you calm yourself during these hectic holidays.
To load your wallpaper, you should know the drill by now – click on the download button and it will take you to the full size version. Then simply drag it to your desktop or do whatever it is you Windows folks do. I hope you’ll enjoy it. Oh! and Merry Christmas.
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