Multimedia: The Cheese Man of Kashmir

I have been quiet lately for several reasons. First, in the most responsible for my lack of communication is I have been working frantically at redesigning a whole new blog site. A brand-new theme that will eventually integrate with Photo Shelter. At this point, there still a few bugs, but I hope to be live over this weekend. Hold your breath. The second reason, is I been working on a rather large and complicated multimedia presentation. You can find the link below.
Chris and Kamala Zandee are amazing people. They live, as the expression goes, simply so that others may simply live. Their concern is for the Gujjars, the shepherd people of Kashmir. These people, as you know are close to my heart (visit my gallery to see more photos of them). In fact, in the area where this story takes place, the Gujjars call me their “official” photographer. Their words not mine.
I met Chris and Kam years back while I was still living in Kashmir. Even then, they had a desire to give back and bless the Kashmiri and Gujjar people. Earlier this year, you will recall I went to Kashmir and while there I learned of the Zandee’s cheese factory. It sounded a little bit odd to me. So I investigated and what I found was an amazing adventure that has started to make and impact on many people in the region. I hope you enjoy this multimedia presentation I call “The Cheese Man.”
If reading the captions and listening to the narration at the same time is too confusing, there is an option to turn off the captions while viewing. You can also view the images manually, simply hit the advanced button and it stops the narration. One more thing, if you increase the type on your browser, for some reason the player does not increase proportionally and you might lose part of the image behind the player’s frame. If you want to view it larger you can either view it full screen, or follow this link. In closing, if you want to learn more about Chris and Kamala’s cheese business in Kashmir. Please visit their website himalayancheese.com.