Ya gotta love light!

Today I am siting in a flat here in Iraq recovering. I have had a little time to review some of my images. I am always amazed how something can look so different from one day to the next. Of course we all know why, it’s not rocket science, it has all to do with light and weather. But that fact doesn’t keep me from being amazed at how it effects a subject. The processing on these two images was virtually the same. The only difference was the weather. Sometimes, I think I am easily amused. Maybe so, but ya gotta love light.
Are these done as HDR's?
Thanks your the comment. There is a hint of HRD in these, but there were several things going on. One as the weather made every thing flat, there was no shadows to give the structures any depth & texture. So to give some texture and definition from the sky, I added a little black to and then cranked up the clarity in Lightroom. I also added a bit of blue saturation then went to the WB Temp and pulled it a little warmer. Once I got there I felt that was what I was feeling, cold.