Esther Havens: A Report from Haiti

I met Esther Havens over twitter. I heard a lot of scuttlebutt about how she was this young attractive hotshot photographer out of Austin, Texas. I knew a lot of talent comes out of Austin, so I was interested in hearing more about this lady. I went to her blog and website and was impressed. I sent her a few emails and we started chatting and found we knew a few of the same people and had worked for some of the same organizations. I have been pestering her about being on Depth of Field but she will not stay home long enough for me to set up a skype call. Then a few days back she popped up on Twitter and said she was in Haiti. So she really wanted to tell what was happening there and get the word out and I really wanted to hear it. So we set up this skype call over her phone. The line quality is not great but I think it adds a bit to the over all feel of the interview. Esther is being sponsored on this trip by several organizations are listed their names and their links below.
You can find Esther’s blog and some of her humanitarian work HERE. I hope you are challenged by what you’re about to hear, and quite frankly that you pull out your checkbook and buy a tent or some other kind of assistance for the people of Haiti.
Click this link to hear the interview: Esther Havens: A Report on Haiti
My cousin's husband's father died in the quake and I hope that Esther would be the one to photograph their family. She is really bringing the right heart to her photographic work there in Haiti. I was very moved by her report on the hope of the people.
As I think about the visualpeacemakers.org movement, I can't help but think Esther is a true match to the vision! Whether she ever joins the movement or not, she's already a true visual peacemaker!
Thanks, again Matt.
Mario, I thought the same thing about her and the IGVP.
I am sorry to hear of your family that you loss in Haiti. You should tweet her and have her locate your family.
Great idea. I just wrote the family to see if they're interested. I linked them to this interview and said all good things about Esther's approach. It could be a total long shot, or this could turn out to be something… who knows!
What a great interview with @estherhavens ! Very informative!
Thank you for your incredible work on the front lines of Haiti information and support for the rest of us that cannot be there…i appreciate you. Several people and many children still missing in our circle.
I have been following Esther on Twitter from the beginning and she is on the Haiti List: http://bit.ly/HaiTwi .
Esther's kind heart and open mind allows her to capture important images, honest and unadulterated, revealing the subject and telling a compelling story with nothing but her lens. Esther's prism allows her to see and capture the essence of people and circumstances. We are lucky to have her!
Another great interview Matt & thanks for bringing it.
sir, your work is enlighting and inspiring..may god bless you
best wishes
fazil nc
india, kerala