New Blogger: Heber Vega

A few weeks back I introduced you to Heber (pronounced like “ever” only with a “b”) Vega. Heber, if you recall, runs a NGO in Iraq, with his wife Belen and several staff. While in Iraq I taught his staff how to take better photos of the work they do so they can tell their organization’s story in print or in multimedia. Heber made a wonderful multimedia show on his first attempt. While with him in Iraq, he confided in me that photography had gotten under his skin and he could no longer ignore it. Heber is true to his words. Over this past weekend he launched his own photo blog and exploration in to humanitarian photography at hebervega.com. One of the plans that Heber has for the blog is to spotlight other photographers and their work. One way he plans on doing this is through a series of interviews with humanitarian photographers called 10.Q. I was privileged to be the first of the series. For what it is worth you can find my interview HERE. Be sure and drop by Heber’s site and say hello. Now is not the time to lurk, now is the time to comment and encourage. Tell him, Matt sent you 😉
I think it should say “booger” instead of “bogger…hahaha just kidding. I'm SO PROUD of Heber's new website and encourage EVERYONE to check it out!! Thanks to Matt for promoting Heber's hard work!! I learned a lot from your 10.Q interview, too, Matt! Thanks!
Wonderful interview. I've had a chance to connect with Heber on Flickr/Twitter and he seems like a great guy.
p.s. your first image on his post is very powerful…thanks for sharing.