Multimedia: Wasim The Varanasi Sari Maker

One of the assignments we gave our last Lumen Dei workshop participants was to create a short, two minute multimedia photo essay on anything or anyone as long as it was in Varanasi. They were to use Soundslides, but we would provide the audio bed for them. The assignment was to be shot the two days we spent in Varanasi. Gavin and I will be posting some of the participant’s shows in the future. All of them did very well.
This show was the one I made. I found it interesting that though Varanasi is known as a holy Hindu city, it has a Muslim population of over 665,000. The Muslims of the city are often overlooked by the throngs of tourist that visit every day. Yet they contribute richly to the culture of this great city. I hope you enjoy.
Hi Matt,
Great essay…thanks for sharing! Out of curiosity, what equipment did you use to capture the audio?
Your images are wonderful. No surprise there. But as someone who loves textiles… what a great story. It's a powerful to thing to see the craftsman's face. Thank you.
Erin,Thanks. I love the way you put that, “It's a powerful to thing to see the craftsman's face.” Just what I have been telling my clients.
Nice to see it again!
I look forward to reading more on the topic in the future.
Keep up the good work! This blog is going to be great resource. Love reading it