My First Malay Wedding

Yuhanif Bin Hashum with his lovley new bride Wijdan Binti Zakaria
I don’t do weddings. I don’t like the pressure. I don’t like being bossed around by mother-in-laws. I just don’t like weddings – that is, photographing them. But when Brian Hirschy decided to visit this last weekend and at the same time my buddy Hariman invited me to help him photograph a Malay wedding, I bit my lip and decided to take Brian and go for it. Fortunately, Hariman was the main photographer and not me. So the pressure was on him so Brian and I could just play. Brian had brought a couple of SB flashes and umbrella or two and so we had some fun. Below are the results of my playtime. Be gentle with me and remember, I don’t do weddings.
Good stuff even if you don't do weddings! I really like the warmth of these shots.
Thanks god you didn't post the “other” photos..
Again, being too modest!
The bride looks beautiful, I love her veil.
Those are great. The pressure, when you do have it, is actually a catalyst for creativity, though. Oh…or a catalyst for a major explosion. One or the other.
I think you did a great job…
professionalism is depicted by your shoot good to see!
One word: Excellent. But I do wish you would stop showing shots with those two primes. I must resist a little longer, I must resist a little longer, I mustt read a little DuChemin and resist a little longer….
No, we will keep the ones of you posing the groom between us ๐
Sorry Andy, I am an addict.
Great shots Matt, what was the mother in law like? Looks like you could have a new career!!
Nice to shoot wedding without the pressure, just the fun, although the mother in laws are still there ๐
Shooting with that 1.2, I'm just jealous! The only reason I can resist the temptation is that I shoot Nikon, so have to be content with a 1.4…
Great job on the photos, I’ve never seen a Malay Wedding before never thought it would be so colorful such a lovely wedding
Great I saw this type of wedding 1st time and great picture , great photography. lovely site . Thanx for sharing this with us.
I am much impressed by your photos which you have given regarding your wedding. The pose and the different location which are taken in the photography is very nice and looks awesome.