Multimedia: The Camel Market of Cairo

Over this past two weeks of reconnoitering for an Oct 2011, Cairo/Nile photo workshop I was able to see and visit some amazing places. Places, that if I didn’t have the job that I have, I might say were once in a lifetime kind of places. Last Friday was once such place. My ever gracious host, Marco Ryan kept telling me that the Cairo Camel Market or the Birqash Souq al-gamel, as it is known in Arabic, is a great opportunity for the the workshop to visit and shoot. I had some reservations. I figured it would be crowded and confusing and wasn’t sure it would be worth getting up at 4:30am to photograph. Boy, was I ever mistaken. It was amazing. The sounds and textures were fabulous. I hope that this 4 min slide show will give you a taste of what it was like.
A special thanks goes out to Fathy Salama & Sharkiat, as well as Face Music for allowing me to use the track, Camel Road as background music, it really helped make the show. If you are interested in purchasing the album Camel Road you can find it HERE.
By the way, spaces on the workshop are limited and even without solid dates spaces are selling. If you are interested in having a space saved for you please contact Marco Ryan HERE.
Just wonderful. I've been to the market 4 times now and you discovered images that I hadn't seen? Using Fathy Slalama's music is just wonderful. What a great slideshow.
Nicely put together Matt. The hectic nature and personality of the market are evident in the show.
The images are great as usual, but the music selection and then the overlay of the voices was what made this slideshow. The audio really helps to place me in the market.
That was excellent, I enjoyed it a great deal. Would you be willing to share what program you like to use to make your slideshows? Thanks again for sharing these images.
Rongeur, You must be new to these parts, welcome. I say that, as not very long ago I did a rather complete review of the software I use, Soundslide Plus, you will find it HERE. You can also view other multimedia shows HERE. Thanks for visiting.
awww Great presentation. Love the background voices combined with the music! Needless to say the photos are spectacular. What did you use to record the voices?
Can't believe your spaces for the workshop are selling without dates! Already going to Kashmir/Ladakh, so I'll buy some lottery tickets for Egypt.
Excellent work. I really felt a sense of being there, as well as it causing memories of my time at the Pushkar Mela to surface.
Matea, Thanks for your comment. I used a Sony PCMD50 with a homemade “dead cat” wind screen on it. I love it. I only wish it recorded in MP3, it only records in WAV. But that isn't much of a problem, as I import the audio into Audacity and it reads WAV file without any issue.
Fantastic. A great way to have my coffee this morning. 🙂
Inspirational as always!