Lhasa, Tibet Day 1

All I can say is Lhasa is everything I had hoped for and more. The people are absolutely amazing, very friendly and so willing to have their photos taken. The physical environment and the culture seem very familiar to those of us who have spent any time in Ladakh, India. Yet, there is still a uniqueness that is Tibet. Even with the large Chinese presence, you still know this place is special.
We are staying in a hotel very near to the most holy of temples in all of Tibet, the Jokhang. Any given day you will find hundreds to thousands of pilgrims circumnavigating the Barkhor, the street that circles the Jokhang, prostrating themselves before this holy place.
Yesterday, we arrived and my Tisso T-Touch informed me we were are 3,450m (11,318ft, for you Yanks). That is enough to take a guy like me who live at sea level and slow him down! So we made a light day of it.
I love the depth and complexity of the second image – its a photograph you can stare at for a while
It’s a festival of smiles! It really is true that the camera looks both ways.
This region and these people definitely have a special place in my heart now, after having been in Ladakh. Enjoy a little extra for me Matt!
What amazingly beautiful aces.
the word is faces not aces but either would really do.