May 2011 Wallpaper

First I must apologies for not providing a wallpaper for you last month. I think that may be the first month I missed in three years! I decided as a result you needed something special. After thinking it through, I came to the conclusion that nothing less than this shot of Mt. Everest would do. So, I present to you Chomolungma in Tibetan or Sagarmāthā in Nepali aka Mt Everest! There are no words to describe this beast. She is huge and the north face is by far the best view of Everest. I hope you enjoy. But watch yourselves, you only have half as much oxygen up here!
[sdm_download id=”16978″ fancy=”0″ button_text=”Click here to download this wallpaper”]
Really nice shot and now i am, going to bookmark this site.
Wonderful blogs I have to do this because this deserves a good like.