
This week I am taking some personal time and going to the Philippines to visit my family. Actually, I have not visited my in-laws in a few years. It is always a great time of eating, driving and more eating. Eating, as I swear it is the Filipino national pastime and driving, in that the family is spread out all over Luzon. Plus, it is time to give my nieces some new Facebook profile pictures, so it is a must that I travel with a camera. I think they will be surprised, maybe even disappointed to see me arrive with the small X100. I am not too concerned. After playing with it for the past day or two I feel certain we can get them a photo they will like. 😉
Mini-rant: As I write this, I am sitting here in at the Penang airport waiting for my flight. It was delayed for over 4 hours. I really have mixed feelings flying Air Asia. Yes, they are cheap. But one of the most inefficient airlines I have every traveled on. If this was a paying job there is no way I would have flown these guys. Not dependable and quite frankly not very service oriented.
I’ll try to post when I can. But don’t expect too much.