A talk with Gavin Gough: Thaipusam

I needed to clear up a few things about the upcoming Thaipusam workshop – So I gave my co-leader and good friend Gavin Gough a call. We chatted a little over 30 minute and like always we rambled a bit but had a great time. Feel like listening in? Here you go:
[audio:Thaipusam Promo.mp3]
Please take a moment and visit our sponsors for this workshop: Phottix, X-Rite ,Spider Belt Camera holster, LensBaby and f-Stop Bags
Feel like joining us? Visit the registration page for more info. Take a moment to browse some of the images from this year’s (2011) Thaipusam and you can get a taste at what you will be photographing on this workshop.
Is there Thaipusam until the 11th?
No John as we said in the conversation, Thaipusam is only three days. This workshop bookends it.
I have been to both. I agree, Penang Thaipusam is very accessible. And in my humble opinion, Penang Thaipusam seems to be much more authentic and sincere. It kicks butt, frankly, on KL Thaipusam. The participants in Penang look more involved and less like they are doing it for the crowd. It is more affected, I suppose.
I also agree that the participants do not seem to care if they have a camera pointed at them.
It is a fantastic ceremony to photograph, and Penangites are very hospitable. Fascinating.
Have a great session. Wish I could hit Penang this year. Alas, I am stuck with KL… I’ll have to make do.
I just re-read, and I should stress that it is KL Thaipusam that seems to be very affected… always re-read BEFORE you post.
Thanks, Yes this is a great opportunity for folks and one that doesn’t come along all that often. Sure, Thaipusam is every year, but not with a workshop of this caliber attached to it. Wish you could join us.