Empty Nets

I am working on a project for a NGO that is focusing on the peoples of Africa and Asia’s coastal waters. In short, we are looking at issues of over fishing, climate change and natural disasters like the Acheh tsunami and how these factors effect the livelihood of the coastal people. This is from today’s shoot right here in my backyard.
Well, i really miss the old days when fish were abundant in the coastal areas.
Nice pics though.
Seongtae Park
Would have been nice to see some fish in the photos, for sure (mainly for the sake of the fishermen), but great shots, Matt. I especially liked the first two images with the men at work. The colors really pop while still feeling natural, and the DOF with the guy cleaning the horeshoe crab is perfect – focuses they eye on the work while still showing enough detail on the man to personalize the photo.
You are fortunate to have that amazing “backyard”. Stunning images, specially love the first one…