Depth of Field: Keith Talley

Keith Talley
I have known Keith Talley for years. Keith he is a commercial photographers out of Texas. Not the glam kind that take shots of sexy models in skimpy underwear. Keith’s has more talent that that, he makes vinyl flooring look sexy. Frankly, that’s talent. When he is not traveling all over the US shooting industrial product for clients, he is playing golf. Apparently, pretty darn good at it too. I wouldn’t know, all I ever hit is air when I play the silly game. When he is not doing that he is giving his time to some charity or church traveling to Africa or India shooting projects for them.
In this episode of Depth of Field I speak with Keith about making a living in hard times. What’s the secret? He had his best year last year and in a small town like Temple, Texas! I chose Keith for this interview for just this reason, I wanted folks to hear the story of a working photographer, not unlike themselves. Sometimes our guests can seem bigger than life and I listeners might feel they are almost surreal. Not Keith, he works hard and make a great living and like all my guest, is a great person at the core.
Visit Keith’s website HERE
Follow him on Facebook HERE.
You can listen to more Depth of Field podcasts HERE.
I’m having audio trouble with this episode. I’m only hearing half the conversation (Keith Talley’s side). I can’t be sure if it’s just my podcast player or if it’s a problem with the audio file.
Sounds good op my player both on this site and at Peachpit. Sorry, I think you need a new player.
FYI, the problem that some people have is their audio and/or speakers are not optimally set, so one channel is can be very hard to hear. I’ve had an ongoing issue with my desktop speakers, so I can barely hear you, but Keith is fine. But if I listen on another system it’s great.
Generally, it’s recommended that audio podcasts not be stereo mixed to avoid problems like these.
I am having the same problem, never encountered previously on this site. Still can hear both sides at Craft and Vision… The opening part sounds fine, then it’s only Keith’s side