Depth of Field: Mitchell Kanashkevich

Mitchell Kanashkevich
My only problem with Mitchell Kanashkevich is his name – I can’t pronounce it! Mitch is an amazing photographer that at any given moment can be found documented the world with his camera. From the surfer miners of Java to shepherds in India passion lies in capturing disappearing ancient cultures and the human condition in unique, challenging situations. His has an uncanny knack of finding the most amazing light.
I have known Mitch for six or seven years. We first met online on the Travel Photography Network. He struck me then brash and bold. I now realize what I had mistaken for brash and bold was self confidants and an overabundance of talent.
You have to visit Mitch’s gallery HERE and visit his blog HERE. Mitch is represented by both Getty and Corbis. He is the author of six ebooks and you can find them HERE. Enjoy this interview with my friend Mitchell Kanashkevich.
You can listen to more Depth of Field podcasts HERE.
That was an excellent Depth of Field. Usually I get them from iTunes and listen to them bit by bit as I’m traveling about town but for this one I listened here in one go. A very enjoyable and informative hour. Thanks Mitchell and Matt.
Excellent interview. Thanks for sharing…John
Great interview, thank you Matt and Mitchell! I really enjoyed his stories
Great interview Matt. Glad to hear that TravelPhotographers.net brought you two together. The site is still thriving and we encourage people of every skill level to join.
Thanks Walter, It is good to hear TPN is still around and is growing. It sure help me back then.
great interview, thanks for sharing!