The Absurdity of Working For Free!

Below Stephen Colbert brings a satirical, yet true to the point look at media professionals working for free. I’ve done it, and more than likely you’ve done it as well. But, it is never a good idea. Yet, CNN last month that laid off 50 reporters citing technological efficiencies and user generated content as the catalysts, aka “iReporters”. Give me a break? This harkens back to discussions we have had here and on Twitter about young photographers giving away their services in hope of jump-starting their careers. All it really does is provide cheap media for the client and lower the bar a professionalism.
Enjoy this report and feel free to chime in.
Admin note: Apparently this video feed is block in some countries. Odd that living in Malaysia I can view it, when others in England and Australia cannot. For this I apologize.
The Colbert Report
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I foresee 50 new workshops available soon…
lol! I think you might be right!
Unfortunately, the video is not available for us Aussies 🙁
Is it that it is unavailable it that you can’t view flash?
Unavailable for us Brits too.
Wayne and André- I am sorry. I have reloaded it hope that might help. But my guess is it is block by your country. Odd that I can see it here in Malaysia. So sorry. It was good.
This is hilarious Matt! What a great and ingenious video.
Anyway, the topic behind is a sad but true story… and we are all part of it. And I’d add that’s difficult to reverse it.
I cannot view this one either: “this video is not available in your location” (UK)
You might find this flowchart diagram helpful when deciding if you want to work for free or not. Slightly humurous, but with a serious edge to it! http://www.shouldiworkforfree.com/
I’m in Canada and I can’t view this video. Would love to see it!