One Day in the Life of a Man’s Monastery

I usually don’t post on a Sunday. But, today I couldn’t sleep so I checked my FaceBook and found this posted to a group hosted my a former student of mine, Ruti Alon. I was moved by this. For several reasons. One was that it was so well shot. The videography is stunning. This has to have been shot with a 5D MKII, though I am just guessing. I am also impressed with it’s simplicity. No extra music bed, no narration, just ambient sound. Some might call it slow moving, but I think it fits the subject. I feel it is contemplative. The simple production reminds me of how “CBS Sunday Morning” with Charles Karault would end with a “Moment of Nature.” Here it is for you to watch and calm your spirit this Sunday morning.
Nektaria, this one is for you.
Matt this is brilliant.
I saw ’26mins’before I played it and thought – woah – too long for me. however… couldn’t stop watching. riveting.
thx for sharing, just what we need in this fast-paced world 🙂
Riveting is not the choice of words I would use to describe this, but it is really well done. As a videographer, I can see how you would love the videography.
Glad you liked it, I still have something for you
The legend of the first Mystery of the Сosmos
History of Christianity in Abkhazia
Abkhazia “Mamdzisha” trip