A Postcard From Banda Aceh

Today was one of those days. Not much accomplished. The client we are shooting for is taking the day off today and so we had a free day as well. We thought we would go to the Tsunami Museum and see a few sites, but it was closed. Something about no power. In fact, every place we went was either closed or closing. When I did pull the camera out it just didn’t seem to work. The only photo worth showing you from today is the above image I shot of the grand mosque called “Masjid Raya Baiturrahman”. This mosque was one of the few structures in this area that survived the 2004 tsunami in tact.
Below is an image of the community center in Desa Nusa I photographed last week. I am not sure what it is, but there is something about arches that attract people to sit under them. I love photographing this scene.
I love the antique hanging lanmp ornament. It’s very old