KLM’s Holland Herald: The Out Takes

In late November friend and fellow photographer Marco Ryan sent KLM airlines in my direction. It seems they needed a photographer for a story involving Malaysia’s old Colonial hill station, Cameron Highlands. Living only 2 1/2 hours away from Cameron Highlands, I guess I was the obvious choice, that and the fact that I can take a halfway decent picture. After Ink, the publishers, assigned the talented Alexandria Karplus from Singapore as the writer, we were off. The article was for KLM’s in-flight publication called the Holland Herald. I couldn’t share or sell any of the photos until the article was published. But late last week I saw that it was posted as a pdf on the publisher’s site; therefore I am now free to post some of the other images from that shoot that didn’t make the cut. I always find it interesting what photo editors choose for their edits and what they leave out. Invariably, I have a different opinion, but I guess that’s why they’re the editors and I’m the photographer.
Speaking of photo editors, this week on Thursday I will be releasing a podcast with photo editor, Michael D Davis. This might be one of the most significant podcasts for photographers I have been involved with in recent years. Be sure to listen to this upcoming conversation regarding depth of field on Thursday.
Click on any image below to view it larger.

Orang Asli are the original people of Malaysia. Here a young Orang Asli woman waits under a curve warning sign.
Both sets are beautiful. I was published a couple months ago, and for the life of me I couldn’t figure out why they chose the ones they did either.
In any case, lovely work.
Great photographs, Matt. Congratulations on a job well done. How much briefing goes on with the client/writer on this sort of job? Hopefully I’ll get to the Cameron Highlands someday to expand my pleasant memories of Malaysia (and eat more Satay). Consumed lots of Boh tea when I was in Singapore many moons ago. Wishing you an early “Happy (Chinese) New Year”!