Wallpaper for Chinese New Year

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I am heading out tonight for a month of travel. I join Jon McCormack, Gavin Gough and Leslie Fisher for two weeks in Kenya photographing the Kilgoris Project. Then I am off to India for my Rajasthan workshop for another two week. These trips are always a mixed blessing. I am thrilled for the work and I love the time shooting in such wonderful places and with such good company. But, I don’t enjoy being away from the family for such long periods of time. Fortunately, Alou will be joining me in India as my logistics coordinator for Rajasthan.
Since I will be gone and have no clue how often I will be able to post, I want to leave you with this wallpaper to help you celebrate the Chinese New Year. Download it HERE or click the image above to download the wallpaper.
By the way, I have several images for sale on Society6. They are having a promotion till February 10th that gives you free shipping. Check it out HERE.