New York Institute of Photography: But it’s Just an iPhone!

But it’s Just an iPhone!
There has always been a snobbery associated with the Single Lens Reflex (SLR) camera, and now it’s the same with the digital SLR (DSLR). It’s as if you are not a serious photographer unless you use one. This, of course, is complete rubbish. The DSLR is nothing more than a black box used to capture light. Granted, its sophistication paired with an appropriate lens allows you a lot more creative leeway than say, an iPhone. But let’s realize at the outset that the DSLR is nothing more than a tool. A person with a DSLR in their hand is no more a photographer than I am a painter just because I have paint and brushes in mine. It takes talent and an eye for both. Read more….
Great post, Matt – and some inspirational iPhone images.
Thanks Ian, encouragement is always welcome.