Florence at Night

It goes without saying many people have photographed Florence at night. But I haven’t. So here is my contributions to an already large body of work on this beautiful old city. I hope you enjoy these. Tomorrow we are off to Venice. Ciao!

A panorama of the the Palazzo Vecchio on the right and Il Duomo on the left. (click for larger resolution)
You should turn Pro…
The first one is striking for me. The darkened streets have a hint of detail to drive my curiosity while the main subject is glorious. Nice one. Print!
Have just come back from Florence with very similar set of photos both at dawn and dusk and later into the evening. It is the most lovely place and so easy to explore. Love the depth of the hills fading off into the sunset !
I stumbled across your blog and found these pictures magnificent. I used to live in Florence and haven’t seen photos that capture it’s beauty quite like this. Well done
Thanks Karyn for your kind words and welcome to the site. I hope you wont be a stranger.