Flash Photography for Available Light Photographers

The Cover Shot
So if Piet can do this for me, there is no question in my mind he could do it for you as well. Of course, I am fortunate to have Piet as a co-host on my workshops. But you can take Piet home with you! Light It Up!, the second edition of Piet’s 185-page ebook on off-camera flash is available now. If you think flash is complicated or if you struggle to get good results, this is the book for you. In this 185 page PDF eBook, he introduces you to the concepts, techniques, and gear that are required to create stunning photographs with flash. The eBook is the culmination of over 10 years of experience with real-life location flash in general and off-camera flash in particular.
With the help of Piet’s lighting techniques, I have seen my images on the cover of a supplement for National Geographic Traveller. All of the images that appeared in National Geographic Traveller were shot with one simple light!
The eBook we are talking about
These are not complicated lighting setups, but they can be intimidating. As you can see in the images above, with just a simple one light setup I was able to achieve warm and enticing images.
You have until April 8th to take advantage of this off.
Early bird bonus
When you buy Light It Up, using this LINK, you will be presented with two purchase options. A Standard Edition which is the ebook alone or a Deluxe Edition that adds two valuable pieces of bonus content:
1) A set of three bonus videos
Totaling 45 minutes of videos in which Piet explains even more about his flash workflow. In the first video, ‘For The Birds’ you see him creating an iconic image of an Indian Sadhu on the Ganges, from capture to final edit in Photoshop. In the second video, ‘Layering Lights,’ he builds upon the concepts that he explains in the post-processing chapter of the eBook. Finally, in the last bonus video ‘Creating Light,’ he takes you through a number of his images and explains his reasoning and lighting setup.
2) A set of 5 Lightroom presets
I rarely pitch offers to you. But this is one I am personally involved within away. Piet uses many examples and images from the workshops we have done together to illustrate his points in this book. I feel I was behind the scenes on just about every page. This gives you an insight into the knowledge and skill that Piet brings to this book. You will learn so much if you take advantage of this offer.