Announcement: 2019 Location Portraiture and Lighting Master Class

We hired a local fixer to guide us to off the beaten path to locations with unique photo opportunities so your images will be like no others. That’s the beauty of a workshop like this; we take the guesswork out of what to do next! We will not only manage your location for you, but we will also give you optional assignment to reinforce what you learn.
A portrait isn’t a mugshot. In this class, we will show you how to sculpt the light to make the most out of a person’s features, how to compose the scene to make sure the viewer’s eyes are drawn to the subject. All this and so much more.
These are real people with amazing faces! We sometimes call them models, but that a bit of a misnomer. They are ordinary people, non-professional subjects that our fixer has secured for us to use to photograph in their natural location. In this way, we control the lighting and the session length so everyone gets a chance to shoot. After all, this is a class.
Please visit the link below. I hope you can join us.